Thursday, December 18, 2008
THE cutest kid
I don't want to be one of those weird moms that think only their kid is the cutest, but this story is pretty awesome. Isaac and I always try to ask how Tanner's day was at Tamie's house, and sometimes through a mouthful of pretzels he tells us a little. He was telling us the other day about how he sang songs at Tamie's house. He said "Jesus was born!" "Bethlehem!" (it sounded like bittheham)"Asweep!" "Appy Kistmas!" He was really excited to tell us this and it melted my heart. He is only 2 and he already understands the meaning of Kistmas! Another Tannerism, the other day we were leaving church and we are lucky enough to go to the one by the temple. I was pulling out of the parking lot and Tanner says"Bye Jesus! Bye Mowoni! later dudes!" I was laughing so hard I could hardly drive. I hope Jesus was ok with this. It was so innocent and cute. I have to write these things down in order to remind myself how cute he really is when my house is destroyed or he is having a 2 year old meltdown. It's hard being a mom sometimes, but totally worth these little moments.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Here are some things I am thankful for.
Laughing with my hubby over dumb things
When my little boy says "Love you Mamma"
Talking with my cute sister about the trials of her single life
My mom,my two brothers,my sister, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, my husband and I all going to college at the same time
Talking with my good friends about nothing and everything
Reading about my friends that I don't get to see all the time on their blogs.
Feeling my little girl move in my belly
Costco chocolate cake
Watching Dora the Explorer and eating popcorn with Tanner
My ward family
My soon to be sister in law
My brother who is coming home from his mission
Hearing my neice on the phone giggling
Great moments in presidential speeches on Dave Letterman
Pumpkin spice candle from Salt City candles
Talking with my mother-in-law and mom about life
I am grateful for my life including the trials. I am so blessed.
Now it is your turn! I tag everyone! Tell me what you are grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Laughing with my hubby over dumb things
When my little boy says "Love you Mamma"
Talking with my cute sister about the trials of her single life
My mom,my two brothers,my sister, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, my husband and I all going to college at the same time
Talking with my good friends about nothing and everything
Reading about my friends that I don't get to see all the time on their blogs.
Feeling my little girl move in my belly
Costco chocolate cake
Watching Dora the Explorer and eating popcorn with Tanner
My ward family
My soon to be sister in law
My brother who is coming home from his mission
Hearing my neice on the phone giggling
Great moments in presidential speeches on Dave Letterman
Pumpkin spice candle from Salt City candles
Talking with my mother-in-law and mom about life
I am grateful for my life including the trials. I am so blessed.
Now it is your turn! I tag everyone! Tell me what you are grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, October 31, 2008

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
My friend Heather is a huge Twilight fan! I love those books too, even though they are a little cheezy, but a great way to escape! I love vampires! Sometimes I pretend that Isaac is one! (He doesn't know that). I am like Esme, but I think I have hair like Alice! Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sometimes I let things slack a little in my life. Obviously I put my blog in my slack pile. It's in there along with a huge load of laundry and perhaps some ironing I need to do. I think that I spend a lot of time on a computer at work and in my online classes so the time needed to blog gets pushed back. I love reading all of your blogs and hear about what's going on in everyone's lives, it's so good and so much more interesting than my life. I just wanted to say I am so thankful for all of my good friends and family. You are all what makes life worth living! Thank you for all you do for me, you enrich and bless my life in tremendous ways. Life is good here at the Bateman house, we are busy and Tanner rules our lives. It's good! I have made a goal to not be a blogging slacker so much anymore so there are more updates to come! I promise! Thanks for being patient with me!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Fair Time

I hate the fair because it means the end of summer, but I love the fair because it is fun especially through the eyes of a two year old! Tanner had fun riding a few rides and feeding the animals! He even got to help milk a cow! We had a great time eating,walking,eating,walking and eating some more. Seeing things through the eyes of a child makes things a little easier to handle and life is a bit more fun! Everything is exciting! One of Tanner's sayings is "Look at the big truck! or Look at the animals, or Look at....whatever is in eyesight. It's so great. I now have to go work out because of all the food I ate. I am going to look like that giant pig if I don't stop.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Binki love and a Black eye

Poor little guy! Tanner fell down while going up the slide stairs and cut himself right above his eye. We went to the hospital and I asked one of the radiologists that I work for if he needed stiches or not. He sent us down to the ER and the doc was so nice and just glued his cut instead of giving him stiches. Tanner didn't even cry. I am grateful for the little perks of working at the hospital. It was a painless experience unlike usual ER visits. Tanner is a tough little guy and totally a boy. I am sure this is not the first time we will have an experience like this. Oh, and by the way, if you couldn't tell from these pics, Tanner loves his binki. I think he would sell his soul for it. We only let him have it at night,but he sometimes asks for it and we just have to endure the screaming. The joys of being two!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Funny Tanner

Tanner is one funny kid! While we were playing water balloon volleyball with Isaac's fam, Tanner found the balloons and started squeezing them until they broke all over him! He was cracking himself up and laughing so hard. It was the best! I love the sound of him laughing it makes me happy. Being a mother is hard sometimes but totally worth it. We love our little guy!
Family Togetherness

We just spent this last weekend with all of Isaac's brothers and sisters and his parents. What a fun time! Isaac's parents have 8 almost 9 grandsons and no grandaughters so it is pretty rowdy and fun! We went to the temple,had a picnic at Shoshone Falls,played water balloon volleyball,ultimate frisbee,and we ate and ate a ton! I am so grateful for good in-laws that I can get along with,what a blessing. We learned a lot about each other and learned about good communication. We are proud to be Batemans!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You wanna make a memory.....
1.Add a coment on my blog,leave one memory that you and I had together,it doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot,anything you remember!
2.Next,re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses! If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. I can't wait to see what people remember!
****Isn't this awesome? I tag EVERYONE!******
2.Next,re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses! If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. I can't wait to see what people remember!
****Isn't this awesome? I tag EVERYONE!******
Summer time is fun time

We love going to the park! Tanner is evil kenevil and the energizer bunny all in one! He is so fun and we love how he is increasing his vocabulary everyday. This time at the park we got to bring daddy because he got off work at a decent time for once. Tanner loves his daddy, they have so much fun together. It is amazing how much we love him! We would go to the park everyday if we could!
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jana is standing over me with a weapon of mass destruction making me blogg for the very first time. Welcome to the blogging world Isaac!!! Actually, I wanted to share with you our most recent adventure. We had the opprotunity to take Tanner, along with Janas' parents,to the Ice Cave in Shoshone about an hour north of Twin Falls. We went on a tour that lasted about 45 minutes and learned that when it was discovered they mined it for ice and the 23 soloons in Shoshone claimed they had the coldest beer this side of the Mississippi. Those of you who haven't been to Idaho may not know that most of the state is a desert. Anyways, out in the desert of Shoshone as we began our tour it was about 100 degrees outside and as we approched thentrance of the cave it begins to become noticably cooler. There a reason the tour guide recommends a jacket. When you enter the cave it becomes a frostbitting 27 degrees!!! Brrrr!!! It is facinatig how nature has formed such a wonder. The ice cave was amazing. If you ever have the opportunity to go to the Ice Cave we highly endorse it.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Funny Target Story

The other day Tanner and I were at Target(my second home) and Tanner was done with shopping(you moms know what I am talking about)so I got a single serve cereal box and opened it before we bought it and let Tanner munch so we could continue going down every aisle. It worked, Tanner was happy for the rest of the time. When we went to checkout, I put the half-eaten cereal box on the counter so we could purchase it. The high school kid that was ringing us up said "Uh this box is half-empty" so I said very sarcastically, "Really? I like to think of it as half-full, but I better get a new one because I don't want to get ripped off." The poor kid didn't know what to think. I thought it was pretty funny and it got me thinking about the funny things I do now as a mom that I never did before. I used to be cool, but now I am a mom who picks my kid's nose,worries if he gets enough veggies, and shoots for an 8:30 bedtime. This is the good life
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Random Thoughts
I don't think anyone reads my blog except for Heather if she ever gets time, but I will start letting people know that I have a blog and I will have some interesting things to say about the Bateman Family. I think of myself as boring sometimes, so I will work on not being boring. Maybe because I am not used to blogging! I am going to get better though.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
General Conference
Wow! I just got done watching General Conference! What a great time! President Monson is so amazing! Hope you had a great time watching too!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
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