Wednesday, July 23, 2008

You wanna make a memory.....

1.Add a coment on my blog,leave one memory that you and I had together,it doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot,anything you remember!
2.Next,re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses! If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. I can't wait to see what people remember!
****Isn't this awesome? I tag EVERYONE!******


Heather said...

Okay, remember when we went to the temple in Boise and Jerusha watched Kelsie. On the way home the alternator went out in my car near Glenns Ferry and we barely coasted down the off ramp. It was like 10 pm or something. We got the car to the shop and had to spend the night at the Redford Motel there. Very nice, remember the exposed electrical wires? We had Kelsie, who was small and no more clothes because she spit up on them and like 2 diapers and no store that was open late. Those were the days.....

Deb and Stan said...

So here goes! I remember when we met you for the first time, and I thought to myself, "That's quite the hair!" Then, after talking with you for some time, thinking, "This girl is just as adorable as her hair! No wonder Isaac fell in love with her!"

And that's the truth!

The Cook Clan said...

Wow, Jana, there are too many fun memories with ya. We always love getting together with you guys cuz you all just make us laugh way too much!

**nicke... said...

i remember driving back to idaho from Kansas on that crazy charter bus with all of those crazy dancers and cheerleaders. i remember we wanted to get home SOOOOOOOOOOO bad and they just kept stopping! we were about to die! i remember you getting so pissed off and you said, "this is ridiculous!!! i am walking! come on nicke, lets go!" you grabbed my arm and off we went. i thought it was histerical and somehow i ended up with a picture of you and i walking away. still it makes me laugh. i also remember being in so many classes with you at csi. i am so glad you were in those classes with me because it would have super sucked without you!

**nicke... said...

i also remember when we were in Kansas hoping that the boys would lose so we could go home. boy, we were jerks... love you!

Jenny said...

Remember when.........we first met and you and Issac were very first dating and we watched movies and talked. I knew that I liked you from the moment I met you. I also remember you and Isaac laughing and playing games in the kitchen...good times!

rneweyfamily said...

I remember when you came to church and I thought "I know her". Then we became visiting teaching partners for like 1 or 2 months and that fun getting to know you a little better. Good times.