Saturday, August 16, 2008

Binki love and a Black eye

Poor little guy! Tanner fell down while going up the slide stairs and cut himself right above his eye. We went to the hospital and I asked one of the radiologists that I work for if he needed stiches or not. He sent us down to the ER and the doc was so nice and just glued his cut instead of giving him stiches. Tanner didn't even cry. I am grateful for the little perks of working at the hospital. It was a painless experience unlike usual ER visits. Tanner is a tough little guy and totally a boy. I am sure this is not the first time we will have an experience like this. Oh, and by the way, if you couldn't tell from these pics, Tanner loves his binki. I think he would sell his soul for it. We only let him have it at night,but he sometimes asks for it and we just have to endure the screaming. The joys of being two!


Deb and Stan said...

OWIE! So sad about that poor little back eye on your little "Dallin" baby! He is so cute! Kiss him for me!

The Cook Clan said...

Sad, poor little guy! Is this his first shiner? Mckenna loves her binki too. I don't think we or her could survive without it right now. Give Tan man hugs for us! Hey so I think it is time for a friend reunion, what do ya think?

Preston and Keri said...

Brylee is a binki baby and I LOVE it. Kayston never took a binki and he cried a lot. Brylee never cries so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

His little eye is so sad. Surprisingly, we have had no major accidents with Kayston. KNOCK ON WOOD!

**nicke... said...

poor little guy! what a trooper for not crying! what a big boy!! i agree with bethany, i think it is time for a friend reunion. i am her friend and i am your friend. can i come??? :)

sara is a thumb sucker. it took her a while to figure it out. she would chew on her thumb for the longest time. i give her the binkie to distract her while i change her diapers. she just plays with it...

Sage Hanks said...

Umm there is lots of perks working for MD's. I went to the cafateria today... and I was bummed i didn't see you. Tan man looks AWESOME with his black eye. Morg skinned her knee at the baseball game last night and SCREAMED the whole way home. Yikes.... we gave her the binki

Mandy said...

Tanner you are so tough!!! Way to be brave little guy! Kids and binks!?? Kenyon loved his when he was almost two we cut the tip off and it worked GREAT! I was ready to brake Dylan of his but he tossed his to the side at 13 monthes all on his own. It was almost too easy! Check out our blog we have a new baby