Sometimes I let things slack a little in my life. Obviously I put my blog in my slack pile. It's in there along with a huge load of laundry and perhaps some ironing I need to do. I think that I spend a lot of time on a computer at work and in my online classes so the time needed to blog gets pushed back. I love reading all of your blogs and hear about what's going on in everyone's lives, it's so good and so much more interesting than my life. I just wanted to say I am so thankful for all of my good friends and family. You are all what makes life worth living! Thank you for all you do for me, you enrich and bless my life in tremendous ways. Life is good here at the Bateman house, we are busy and Tanner rules our lives. It's good! I have made a goal to not be a blogging slacker so much anymore so there are more updates to come! I promise! Thanks for being patient with me!